Source code for emoji_unicode.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re

from .models import Emoji, JOINER_CHARS
from .utils import code_point_to_unicode
from .pattern import RE_PATTERN_TEMPLATE


[docs]def replace(txt, callback): """ Replace all unicode emojis in a given text :param str txt: Text source to be parsed :param callable callback: A callable that should accept\ a instance of :py:class:`Emoji` and\ return a str to replace the match :return: Parsed text with all the emojis\ replaced by the callback result :rtype: str """ def func(m): return callback(Emoji('emoji'))) return re.sub(PATTERN, func, txt)
[docs]def normalize(code_points, separator='-'): """ Normalize a code point removing joiner\ characters such as emoji variations,\ Zero Width Joiner and leading zeros :param str code_points: code points separated by an hyphen\ or the separator param value :param str separator: The separator used to split the code points,\ process them and merge them back :return: Code points with no joiner chars,\ leading zeros, and lower cased. :rtype: str """ return separator.join( c.lstrip('0').lower() for c in code_points.split(separator) if code_point_to_unicode(c) not in JOINER_CHARS )